Better Writing Starts Here

Read testimonials from past students

Better Writing Starts Here

Read testimonials from past students

These course reviews were received from students worldwide after they had completed their writing courses with us. Apart from the occasional spelling mistake that has been corrected, these writing course reviews are unedited.

Martin KristiansenGraduate of the Basics of Creative Writing Course
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Completing the course was a fascinating and valuable experience; quite possibly life-changing. It was exactly what I was looking for but didn't really expect to find. It went way beyond what I expected.
Natasha AlexanderGraduate of the Write a Novel Course
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Choosing to do this course with The Writers College was without a doubt the right decision. It has been an eye-opening, life-changing experience for me.
Raysha LetchmanGraduate of the Copy-editing and Proofreading Course
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It was great to have the opportunity to learn on my own terms but still get the quality content and tutoring of a University.
Sky ScottGraduate for the Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course
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It is one of the best courses I have ever studied; the assessments are fun as you can put your own angle and style into each one.
Carla OberholzerGraduate of the Freelance Journalism Course
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The Writers College is amazing (and I am in no way exaggerating). Thank you to a great team - smooth sailing from the administration process to the course itself.
Edward HalifaxGraduate of the Basics and Advanced Creative Writing Courses
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I can honestly say my writing improved by leaps and bounds. Don't hesitate; just do it. A must for every serious beginner.
Kirsty ChalmersGraduate of the Write a Novel Course
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Life-changing and worth every hour of work it inspired me to complete.
Lesley SeftonGraduate of the Publishing Your e-Book Course (and six others)
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This course outstripped my expectations. I would not look anywhere else to do an online course but here. Being a repeat subscriber of the College's courses speaks for itself.
Maggie BenhamGraduate of the Advanced Creative Writing Course
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My experience at The Writers College changed my life. It has been a great creative outlet and has given me the courage to write a novel. Thank you.

‘I truly discovered my passion for creative writing. The course has given me confidence and equipped me with the tools to begin my journey into the world of creative writing. Nerine was open and engaging from the onset … She was firm and fair and gave sound advice and guidance. She helped me discover my creative voice after nearly a decade of working in news.’ Leigh Smidt-Hart, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘Absolutely amazing [tutor]. Tania provided invaluable advice and guidance and offered so much support. Her knowledge and suggestions helped me work through difficult areas and make improvements, and she has been extremely encouraging. I’m very grateful for all her help… my experience with The Writers College has been nothing but positive.’ Kaye Paddison, Write a Novel Course, Boston Lincolnshire

‘Awesome tutor! A thought-provoking and inspiring learning experience.’ Ashika Ramjith, Writing SEO Copy for Websites Course

 ‘Dianne has been my absolute rock and inspiration – she always pushed me to do better. This is one of the best investments in myself and my writing journey I’ve ever made. The course’s thoroughness and clarity is a beautiful introduction to journalism and, in a mere few months, I’ve almost completely overcome my fear of putting myself out there. My once-distant dream of being a writer is finally becoming a reality.’ Kayla Pauley, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course

 ‘I can finally allow others to read my work without the panic consuming me. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor for this course – Helen. An incredible experience!’ Kyla van Staden, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘Wonderful; Fiona helped me take my writing to another level. Her honest feedback and motivating words kept me going all the time. Worth every minute and cent.’ Thabiso Timothy Sekgobela, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course

 ‘This was well worth my time and money – a supportive and intimate learning experience.’ Imogen Cowley, Business Writing Toolkit Course, Auckland

This advanced course was a good step up from the basics course. Helen was a fantastic tutor, and, with her guidance, I considerably improved my writing skills. Thank you so much, Helen! NZ Writers College is a wonderful place.’ Tatiana Goded, Advanced Creative Writing Course, Upper Hutt

‘Very helpful tutor with useful and insightful feedback. The course material, coupled with the assignments, improved my knowledge and writing skills – worth every penny.’ Sarita Smit, Grammar Skills Course

‘It was a pivotal experience. It took me from a place of self-doubt to self-belief all the while equipping me with the tools to become an effective writer.’

Zachary Zwart, Write a Novel Course

‘Very positive experience. So many creative writing courses offer little in the way of structured support; however, this one was exceptional in this regard.’Shelagh Fox, Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course, Cumbria, United Kingdom

‘Dianne provides valid feedback and gives you a good idea of what you need to work on and how to do it. She answered all my questions with readiness and gave me the support and guidance I needed. I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from this experience. I walk away with industry-relevant knowledge and skills as well as the confidence to use what I have learned.’ Zeldi Smulders, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course

‘An excellent, seamless experience that enabled me to achieve my writing goals. I was gifted with a very supportive, motivating and kind tutor.’ Kathryn Valdal Saleem, Write a Novel Course

‘Helen’s input was without judgement or criticism. Her guidance was clear, and her feedback was quick. I have only high praises for Helen and how professional she remained throughout. This was an informative course that made the creative juices flow – a definite must if you want to polish your writing skills.’ Lizelle Plotz, Basics of Creative Writing Course

 ‘My third course with the Writers College, and I enjoyed my experience and learnt so much. Everything was detailed and helpful with a very positive and encouraging tutor.’ Jennifer Collins, Short Story Writing for Magazines, Turangi

‘This experience has been a joy for me. It helped me to achieve my goals and cement a solid base of knowledge that I can use in my career going forward.’ Nathaniel Dawson, Grammar for Writers Course

‘Andrew was positive and encouraging from the outset and gave the impression that he was genuinely excited to receive my work. For anyone who has designs to write a short story or novel, I recommend that they opt for a course or two at the Writers College.’ Chris Gemmell, Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course, Aberystwyth, Wales

‘The Writers College is a hidden gem among online writing programs. It has the high, rich quality of an Oxford Continuing Education writing course for an incredibly affordable cost. I cannot recommend it enough in all my writing circles.’

Irina Novac, Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course

‘This was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, doing a much-loved pastime. My tutor, Donna, was fantastic! She was very patient with me through my various drafts, professional and friendly.’ June Richardson, Travel Writing Course, Huddersfield

‘Would I recommend this course? You bet I would! Of all the writing courses I have taken over the past few years, I’ve had the best experience at the Writers College. Helen Brain’s notes were golden nuggets in learning the craft.’ Charles Michaud, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Northern Ontario, Canada

‘Andrew gave very solid advice, and his objective feedback was encouraging, which motivated me to push through. Being accountable to someone for my progress, especially when the writing became difficult, was exactly what I needed.’ Christopher Cole, Write a Novel Course

‘Donna was a great tutor. Both her knowledge of this industry and her feedback on my assignments were invaluable. Doing this course, with the opportunity to get professional guidance, has given me the confidence boost I needed to start submitting my work professionally.’ Jo Macdonald, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course

‘Rosemary was fantastic, and her feedback was positive and encouraging. It was a comprehensive, organised and challenging experience. I would recommend NZ Writers College to anyone.’ Amy Cox, Grammar for Writers Course

‘My tutors were positive and encouraging, providing me with practical advice and insights in the particular area of travel writing I am interested in. Thank you, Julie and Chris! The Writers College and my course tutors have helped me build my writing confidence beyond just travel writing. I’m so inspired and excited to write!’ Megan Lewis, Travel Writing Course

‘Di made quite an impression on me, considering that we have never met face to face. Her responses were always prompt, and her comments were both lucid and helpful. I commend the presentation and relevance of the course material as well as the supportive approach of my tutor.’ Karen Maria Gadomski, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Dunedin

‘This experience has opened my eyes to my strengths and weaknesses. It will definitely be something I’ll recommend to anyone wanting to broaden their writing skills.’

Jessica McDonald, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course

‘An eye-opening experience regarding proofreading, and far more difficult than expected!’ James Edward Honiball, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘The Writers College has helped change my life – it’s the start of something absolutely amazing!’ Lindy Moll/Barham, Basics of Creative Writing Course

 ‘I’ve had an incredibly specific and personal experience with my tutor, Helen. I feel more confident in the quality of my writing after studying under her supervision. The Writers College is built around a genuine desire to make us aspiring writers prosper. The availability of resources, student feedback and available tutors make the Writers College the best place to learn writing.’ Mohammed Razak, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘I loved having Helen as a tutor to help me along this very personal journey; she knew when to push and when to pull back. She is a valuable asset to the college, and I hope to be paired with her again in the future. This was a welcoming, non-invasive way of learning.’ Vanessa Rowe, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘Alex motivated and encouraged me throughout the course. She’s a very talented writer with excellent coaching skills. All the staff at the Writers College are charming, helpful and encouraging.’ Lynne Savy, Write a Novel Course

‘I learned so much and feel much more comfortable with my knowledge of punctuation. Excellent course with interesting and challenging content.’ Susan Pieters, Mastering Punctuation Course

‘Fiona was great – couldn’t have asked for a better tutor! The course helped to unleash my writing capabilities.’ Kim Cummings, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course

‘Alex motivated and encouraged me throughout the course. She’s a very talented writer with excellent coaching skills. All the staff at Writers College are charming, helpful and encouraging.’

Lynne Savy, Write a Novel Course

‘Sonny was an excellent tutor. Feedback was prompt and covered all aspects of my work in great detail. My writing has improved faster than I could have imagined. Being able to work at my own pace from anywhere is the perfect formula for me.’ Les Maiden, Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course, Wellington

‘The course was exciting – I’d recommend anyone to sign up for it. Satisfaction guaranteed! Helen was inspiring throughout and tackled my writing pieces with profound interest, giving valuable remarks, honest criticism and great suggestions.’ Collins Matsepe, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘My tutors were fantastic! They always provided constructive criticism, plenty of encouragement and suggestions to sharpen my writing skills. I felt my confidence and writing abilities improve with the completion of each module. Professional and very approachable people. Everyone at the Writers College is happy to help and are generous with providing tips, suggestions and guidance on entering the business of freelance writing.’ Wendy McSeveney, Travel Writing Course

‘Chris and Julie gave honest, detailed feedback. The quality and standard of this course impressed me profoundly. Both the material and my tutors widened my knowledge, honed my writing skills and built my self-confidence.’ Margarete Heese, Travel Writing Course

 ‘I’ve had one of the best experiences I’ve ever had with a tutor! The Writers College has given me the confidence I needed to continue my writing career.’ Clayton Gray, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course

 ‘Mandy was an absolute pleasure during this course. She was readily available to answer any questions, and her feedback was thorough, with realistic suggestions on how to help me improve. The Writers College is an online school that gave me an enriching experience which I doubt I could find anywhere else.’ Mhudi Khasu, Copywriting Course

‘I enjoyed my experience with the Writers College – my third course with them!’ Waheeda Ismail, Advanced Novel Writing Course, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

‘Helen Brain was a great mentor and helped to expand my literary abilities. It was good to be able to complete the course at a relaxed speed.’ Liz Walters, Basics of Creative Writing Extension Course, Windhoek, Namibia

‘I loved every second of it! Exactly what I wanted – I’ve learned tons!’ Bonita Rossouw, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘I loved every second of it! Exactly what I wanted – I’ve learned tons!’

Bonita Rossouw, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘This course was a great balance between enjoyable and challenging. I didn’t expect it to be so cool and exciting. It was a splendid challenge, and I enjoyed being pushed to grow. My tutor encouraged me to do my best and got to know me through my work. The Writers College is always there for their students.’ Nerissa Krishnan, Advanced Creative Writing Course

‘This course precisely provided the challenges I needed to highlight the flaws in my own writing and copy-editing processes. There was never a dull moment! My tutor struck the perfect balance between peer and teacher and was incredibly kind, approachable and motivating. Her feedback was always encouraging and clear. Enjoyable. Tough. Precisely what I needed.’ Dené Janse van Rensburg, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

 ‘Excellent course and tutor. She made me want more.’ Sasha Nelson, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course

‘I thoroughly enjoyed this course because I love reading, researching facts and correcting errors! It ticked all my boxes as far as learning is concerned. I had a wonderful experience with Di. She was always positive, and I loved the personal notes she added to the automated corrections of my errors. She was also very responsive to my emails and quick to mark my modules. I had a very positive experience. I think if you are really interested in improving your writing ability, then the Writers College is definitely the way to go!’ Monica Hurn, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘I thoroughly enjoyed this course. The material was informative with clear objectives. The deadlines allocated for each module were realistic, taking the holiday season into account. Helen was brilliant! Her feedback was extremely encouraging. My writing has improved as a direct result of her honest and constructive critique. I am so pleased I signed up with NZ Writers College. If you want to learn, they will show you how.’ Angela Christall, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘The content was challenging but stimulating. The course challenged me to “dig deeper”. My tutor was very encouraging.’ Grace Hauer, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Edmonton, Canada

 ‘The course has been very educational – all the things that were covered were very new to me. Rosemary is truly a very experienced teacher – a legend. She was very helpful, and I wish I had her for longer. The Writers College offers amazing programs and helps people by giving them the chance to be educated.’ Masashiro Chih, Grammar for Writers Course

‘An amazing journey! The guidance provided was incredible. I was encouraged and challenged to critically evaluate the written text. The course as it is, is excellent and beneficial.’

Maryna, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘I had a great experience. Helen always pushed me to do better – just what you need at this level. Having a one-on-one relationship with the tutor is valuable. Doing a writing course via the internet is convenient, economical and less stressful than in a class situation.’ Kay Shacklock, Advanced Creative Writing Course, Auckland

‘The course was thought-provoking. Sally was lovely and encouraging. Good experience.’ Bernie Stasiewicz, Break Through Your Writing Barriers Course, Te Puke

 ‘The course was, at times, challenging, which was great as I had a lot to learn. I was able to get more real-life experience, and that’s invaluable. Sarah was a thoroughly professional tutor. She went the extra mile to help, and I felt lucky to have her as a tutor. She was very patient, and her straight-up and consistent style of teaching was excellent. I was challenged and encouraged to be brave with my writing. NZ Writers College is both professional and friendly, and the courses I have done with them are relevant to magazine journalism today.’ Jeanna Thomson, Advanced Magazine Journalism Course, Wellington

‘I found the course content extremely helpful and never felt under pressure as I was able to complete the coursework in my own time. Rosemary was great to work with. I really appreciated her unobtrusive management style. She was always available when I needed her help and was very quick to mark the assignments. I found the whole experience very professional and rewarding.’ Karin Furby, Grammar for Writers Course, Salt Rock

‘My experience was enriching as I not only gained greater expertise in various areas of creative writing but also gained belief in my own ability. Andrew was always prompt with his responses. His feedback was helpful and well informed. I grew so much as a writer through his tutelage. His input and encouragement were invaluable. It was a pivotal experience. It took me from a place of self-doubt to self-belief, all the while equipping me with the tools to become an effective writer.’ Zachary Zwart, Write a Novel Course

‘The course was wonderful. I feel like my core creative writing skills have been properly reinforced, and my confidence in my writing is better than ever. Working under Helen’s tutelage was excellent. Without her help, I feel my writing would not have been as fine-tuned as it is now. Highly recommend the course to anyone looking to improve their writing skills.’ Alex Lovell, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘I learned a lot. A great learning experience that adds value to my CV.’ Anne Marais, Copywriting Course

‘I learnt a lot of useful tips and improved my skills. I enjoyed the feedback I got and all the helpful advice. I knew exactly what I needed to do to improve.’ Tizane Geringer, Basics of Creative Writing Course

 ‘A great way to learn how to put an article together without it being too overwhelming. My tutor was very helpful throughout the course and explained how to make improvements in a straightforward yet efficient manner. An excellent way to learn how to master the craft of writing with an easy step-by-step process to allow for review and correction.’ Heather Crowe, Advanced Magazine Journalism Course, Blenheim

‘The course was well defined, and it really made me stop to think about the audience I was addressing and the points I wanted to get across. Susan was a great tutor. Her feedback was very constructive and well received. Her support and encouragement were first class. The Writers College is very helpful in advising you on suitable courses to take. They are a very professional organisation, and I would highly recommend them.’ Robyn Horan, Write Better Newsletters Course, Wellington

‘A nice learning experience, especially regarding simple writing. I learnt handy skills for not only copywriting but also general use. My tutor was positive and helpful. The Writers College is geared towards an efficient online training experience.’ Rene Roux, Copywriting Course

‘It was an amazing, informative, organised and fun experience. Fiona really helped me and gave me guidance and support throughout the course. It was a great experience from the start to the end. The content of the course was great, and the guidance throughout was amazing.’ Sherilee Steenkamp, Press Release and Media Writing Course

‘Very user-friendly and flexible. Learnt a lot about the basics, which I did not know before. Very friendly and encouraging tutor – a pleasure to work with. The Writers College is excellent in every way!’ Viloshni Govender, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘The course provided a good overview of the topic and outlined sufficient practical material. Di provided an excellent service and was extremely responsive to assignment submissions and queries. She provided clear explanations as to her comments and was greatly encouraging. I appreciated her valuable input. I’ve had a very positive experience with the Writers College. The flexibility offered by being online and the generous timeline within which to complete the course greatly suited me. There are other courses that I have my eye on, so I’ll be back soon, I am sure.’ Catherine Laing, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course and all the challenges it offered. The course material was excellent and easy to understand and follow. Di was an excellent tutor. She gave great advice and thorough feedback on all my modules. I appreciated her attention to detail. I had a great experience at the Writers College and thoroughly enjoyed the Copy-editing and Proofreading Course. Thank you!’ Jana Perold, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘I learned a lot. Overall, I was very impressed. Helen was amazing. She helped me a lot and showed me my weaknesses and how to improve them. Her feedback was always very positive. The course was very good; I would recommend it to anyone who wants to write.’ Nicolene Putter, Basics of Creative Writing Course

‘Challenging and enlightening. Sonny set the bar high and gave me the tools to reach it. Authentic learning experience.’ Sharon Shaw, Write a Novel Course, Auckland

‘I found this course both challenging and exciting, causing me to excel in ways I would never have dreamed. I found Andrew easy to communicate with and very friendly. I was impressed to see my marked assignments returned to me so quickly – often the day after I had sent them. My experience with the Writers College was wonderful. One thing that particularly impressed me was the way they just took me as I was, considering that I am blind.’ Petra Coleman, Mastering Punctuation Course, Auckland

 ‘Really enjoyed the course. I feel much better prepared to take on proofreading and copy-editing as a possible freelance career. Di always responded quickly with the marked assignments, and her feedback was positive and helpful. Excellent overall.’ Sarah Bownes, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘The material was comprehensive, and the time frame set out for the course was manageable. I learnt a lot from the course and feel better equipped to tackle the next one. I thoroughly enjoyed having Rosemary as a tutor – she had a special way of remaining encouraging even when conveying more difficult feedback. She created a space where I felt safe to make mistakes or “bare my soul”, and I will miss that. From the outset, the communication from the Writers College as well as the tutor was prompt and helpful. The material was interesting and Rosemary was exactly what I needed to help me get out of my head and put pen to paper. I can only describe my overall experience as positive and motivating.’ Cheylyn Dobbins, Grammar for Writers Course

 ‘The course was very specific and easy to understand. These back-to-basics skills are very important for a new writer. Alex Smith was very consistent in giving me feedback. Her feedback was always very detailed and I was very happy with her top-class comments. I can’t wait to enrol for my next course!’ Masashiro Chih, Grammar Skills Course

‘There was so much that I learned from this course: things I would never have known without doing it. It really helped me realise my weak points in my editing and proofreading skills, making it very clear what I needed to do to improve. My tutor was very knowledgeable and gave very clear suggestions in my assignments, which helped me realise my errors and improve my skills. I had a great experience with the Writers College and learned so much. The ability to work on the tasks at your own pace is also great as it gives you a chance to learn without feeling rushed to get the work done.’ Liam Selby, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘I learned a lot on this course. It gave me up-to-date knowledge and insight into the requirements needed for this type of writing. Fiona was a wonderful tutor. She was extremely prompt in responding and always gave thorough and helpful feedback. I enjoyed learning online with a tutor at my own pace rather than in a group situation. My writing confidence has dramatically improved as a result of doing two courses with NZ Writers College.’ Susan Harward, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course, Hamilton

 ‘The course was much more positive than others I’ve done. Di was warm, supportive and accessible. I’d recommend a course through the Writers College to anyone looking to do relevant courses.’ Jenn Hilton, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course. It made me re-evaluate my writing style to keep things simple and clear. A very patient tutor. A very worthwhile course for anyone that wants to improve their writing skills.’ Sam Tamarapa, Business Writing Toolkit Course, Waitara, New Plymouth


‘The course was applicable to my line of work and I found it to be quite helpful in terms of audience. The tutor was helpful and considerate. Her feedback was easy to read and she gave me plenty of examples as well. Probably one of the most valuable courses I have done since university!’ Michelle Hingston, Business Writing Toolkit Course, Tauranga


‘I underestimated the course by thinking it would be easy, but it was far from it. I learnt a lot and hope to use everything I’ve learnt for future writing. Tamara was a terrific tutor – very efficient with her detailed feedback for each completed module. Each comment was clear and to the point and I appreciated her patience. This experience has opened my eyes to my strengths and weaknesses. It will definitely be something I’ll recommend to anyone wanting to broaden their writing skills.’ Jessica McDonald, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course


‘Even though this course was very challenging, I thoroughly enjoyed the personal growth factor. Di was an excellent tutor. She was very patient, and her guidance and support were amazing. She always went the extra mile to give more feedback than was needed. The Writers College is a very professional institution with high-quality courses and tutors.’ Duné van Wyk, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘The course was good. It highlighted what I thought I knew but really didn’t. Di was great. She was really quick with the marking and sending of modules and gave helpful, constructive advice. A streamlined, professional and positive experience from start to finish.’ Nathalie Leblond, Copy-editing and Proofreading Couse


‘Excellent course. Excellent tutor. Couldn’t have been better. It was one of the best experiences with regards to courses that I’ve had. I’ve learnt a lot in a very short time and the help and feedback I got were the best.’ Inge Jacobs, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I liked the course very much and will do a similar course again in the future. My tutor knew her thing and was very helpful. It was a very pleasant experience to study at the Writers College.’ Pieter J de Kooker, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I enjoyed the course and was challenged by it. I appreciated the individualised feedback and attention which I found incredibly helpful and constructive. Di was always professional, kind and open; I much appreciated her prompt and clear responses and encouragement. My experience was administratively seamless, challenging and rewarding.’ Carla Chait, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘The course notes were easy to read and digest, and tutor feedback was comprehensive. Great tutor. Very knowledgeable and extremely kind and accommodating. I highly recommend the Writers College to any brand professional who wants to clarify their thinking process and improve their writing technique.’ Megan Ariefdien, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘This was an excellent course that had everything I was expecting and more. After having completed it, I feel that I have learned what was and what wasn’t good about my writing and I feel really encouraged to continue. Helen has been a wonderful tutor. She was so professional and encouraging! She was able to tell me my strengths at the same time as suggesting ways to improve. I feel really encouraged to continue writing and feel that I have learned a lot about what good writing requires, thanks to Helen’s guidance. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience!’ Tatiana Goded, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Upper Hutt


 ‘I found the course challenging and informative. I really enjoyed it. It made me think and challenged what I thought I knew. It confirmed to me that this is what I really like doing. I valued the feedback from Rosemary Hepozden. She was honest, friendly and encouraging.’ Lindsay Steele, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Auckland


‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course. The modules given were amazing – covering background and history to application. Mandy was very helpful and the feedback she gave on each project was very detailed. The Writers College gave me the opportunity to further my knowledge and skills during a time where I felt they were quite lacking.’ Dané Meyer, Copywriting Course


‘Once again, high-value learning and no fillers. The perfect next step from the Basics of Creative Writing Course. Helen Brain coaches you to achieve more than you ever thought you could.’ Tae Richardson, Advanced Creative Writing Course, Hastings


‘I found a new window to create stories and to share them, with confidence, with my family. My tutor was warm and encouraging whilst delivering constructive feedback.’ Cecilie McKenzie, Mastering Punctuation Course, Dunedin


‘I enjoyed the course a lot. I have learned a lot.’ Samuel Riley, Scriptwriting Course, Auckland


‘Excellent. Lorraine was wonderful to work with – great feedback and good communication.’ Emma Oloi, Writing SEO Copy for Websites Course, Auckland


‘The course was very informative, and it helped me a lot with fine-tuning my writing. I am very excited to start my project using all the necessary skills that I have developed in this course. Helen’s feedback was fantastic. Her response time was above par, and she answered all my questions in great detail. She was very motivational, and I couldn’t have asked for a better tutor. It was a great experience.’ Zelda Winda Austin, Advanced Creative Writing Course


‘The tutor served as an invaluable contribution to the development and support of the course. It was an exciting journey into a new, adventurous world. It unblocked my limitations.’ Waheeda Ismail, Write a Novel Course, Jeddah


‘Interesting and helpful. Just what I was looking for!’ Patricia Dobbs, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Auckland


‘I’ve learnt things I never knew and improved on things I did. The feedback was very detailed, and I have improved my writing vastly because of it. The course covered everything I needed and expected, and I am very happy with the knowledge I now possess. Helen was very welcoming and inspiring. She gave good, constructive criticism that I highly appreciated and deeply needed to improve my writing. The Writers College taught me how to open my mind, view things around me and write it down in a creative, evocative manner.’ Seera Arial Rampersad, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘Enjoyable and worthwhile course. Prompt responses from my tutor with excellent feedback. Great learning experience and am seriously considering the Travel Writing Course.’ Blair Finlayson, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course, Hamilton


‘I really enjoyed the course. The tutor was very helpful and explained everything very well. I highly recommend it.’ Julie Botha, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Whangarei


‘Thorough material and easy directions to follow. The course served as a good introductory step to learning copy-editing.’ Lorraine Thompson, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Manawatu


‘I would say the theory of this course is excellent. It was easy to understand – just perfect. My tutor, Donna, was incredible! One of the best instructors of my lifetime. I was very lucky to be her student. I have found my passion.’ Masashiro Chih, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course, Yokohama


‘It was an enlightening experience, and it met my objectives. I would recommend it to any aspiring writer. Had a great time working with Fiona Ingram and found that she reignited my passion for the story at times where I felt that perhaps it wasn’t as good as I thought.’ J. Simone, Write a Novel Course


‘As a former old-school journalist, I found the course on Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs hugely helpful. It is not easy to make the transition from print to digital media, but the course was a skilful blend of instruction in writing, tailored to the demands of internet publishing. The assignments were demanding, calling for extensive reflection and research, which is precisely what an assignment should be. To guide me on the way, I was gifted with an extraordinarily insightful and constructive tutor, Tamara Rothbart, who thoughtfully guided me through the learning process. I can only endorse and recommend the Writers College to anyone who, like myself, wants to start a blog.’ Anthea Bristowe, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course


‘It was a real eye-opener, not only to learn what the basics of writing entail but also to read with a new awareness of how good writers practise their craft. Helen is an outstanding tutor. Her comments on my work and her excellent study material provided me with a small toolkit to enhance my writing skills. She has the ability to see exactly what is needed to change a mediocre paragraph into an interesting piece of reading. I am looking forward to her guidance in the advanced course.’ Mari Vrba, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I enjoyed working with Di and learned a lot from her. I really liked completing the modules. It is the type of work I can see myself doing full time.’ Joan Smith, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I had a fantastic experience. An excellent course that challenges you as a writer as well as motivates you to achieve more and improve your work. The work was challenging yet simple enough to help me through the learning process. I would recommend this course to anyone. My tutor always gave constructive feedback and excellent advice on how to improve.’ Simoné Cloete, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘Excellent material and tutor. It was as good as any university course. I enjoyed working online at my own pace. The material was excellent, and I felt that I learnt a lot. It’s great to be guided by a published author. Helen was very good at giving feedback – she pointed out both the positive and negative aspects and suggested how to improve or change things.’ Marí Sardi, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Auckland, NZ



‘Challenging and enjoyable. Fantastic guidance and feedback from Helen. Well organised and varied.’ Jennifer Collins, Advanced Creative Writing Course, Turangi


‘The course was very informative – fascinating even – and I felt as though a lot of uncertainties in my writing finally made sense. My appreciation for games and even other mediums of storytelling has increased as well, making them far more enjoyable. I can, with confidence, say that this course was excellent and I recommend it to anyone interested in the industry! Paul was superb throughout! His feedback and guidance on the assignments and the various game elements and narratives were incredibly helpful. In fact, while the materials on the course were great, I can honestly say that thanks to Paul I came away with so much more. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that he is one of the best tutors I’ve had! I’m truly grateful to have had his guidance on this course and if we ever end up on the same writing team for a game someday, I’d be overjoyed! A fantastic and informative experience! I learned a lot and enjoyed every bit of it so much so that I was sad when my course came to an end. It was the kind of experience I’d be happy to reload and relive!’ Ashley Susan Nicole Fairfoot, Writing for Video Games Course


‘The course was both challenging and enjoyable. I learnt some invaluable new skills. The tutor was professional, helpful and encouraging. I get the impression that the Writers College team really enjoy what they do. It’s encouraging when a business is enthusiastic about the services they provide.’ Jaki Ross-Watt, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘The material was really resourceful. Projects were challenging, and the feedback was useful for me to improve my skills.’ Sarunjade Prasertsuwan, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Bangkok


‘A rich learning experience with superb support from Helen and the team. Well worth the money.’ Sharon Whitehead, Advanced Creative Writing Course, Yorkshire


‘I had a lot of fun with this course. I learned so much and am sure it will improve my writing. The tutor was very encouraging, quick with replying and always positive. I have only good things to say about this college and will recommend it to anyone who will listen. Best service from any correspondence college I have used so far.’ Anja Theron, Mastering Punctuation Course, New Zealand


‘I have been wanting to hone my writing skills for some time, and this enabled me to do so. As an English teacher, I had a reasonable knowledge of writing, but the course served to help me sharpen my writing skills.’ Denny Newburn, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Auckland


‘I’ve learned a great deal which will be useful to my going forward. Di was very professional and helpful.’ Janelle Michie, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I enjoyed the course a great deal, and the material was easily understandable. I look forward to possibly doing more courses at the Writers College in the future. Helen certainly knows what she’s doing, and her feedback and criticism were clear and concise. A great experience overall – everyone involved was professional and helpful.’ Nicky Meintjes, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘It was a very inspiring course that gave me a lot of new and interesting ideas to try. I thoroughly enjoyed it! My tutor was a very motivating teacher. She encouraged and motivated me to try harder with every assignment.’ Sarah Pelser, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course


‘Really worthwhile. I have learnt a great deal and know what I need to work on. Rosemary was a great tutor, and her knowledge is impressive. She provided detailed feedback on each assignment and returned them to me promptly. I enjoyed doing the course and felt that the support of my tutor and the college was an important part of this.’ Lyn Gallagher, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Christchurch


‘It was an amazing experience, and I learnt a lot. The notes were easy to understand and were very helpful when I needed to write a story. Ginny was very helpful throughout this course. The Writers College gives you very easy-to-read, detailed notes for your course, which helps when you are doing your assignment.’ Husna Ayub, Short Story Writing for Magazines Course


‘This course is very informative and detailed. The skills I have acquired will definitely assist me in the future. I am very impressed with the course and would recommend it to everyone. Susan is an absolutely wonderful tutor. The questions I directed towards her were very professionally dealt with and the information she provided assisted me with submitting the necessary tasks with no difficulty. You guys are just absolutely awesome: customer service on point. I will also be doing another course with you in the near future.’ Raygon De Bruin, Business Writing Toolkit Course


‘I enjoyed every minute of this experience. I loved being able to learn new things and to expand on my skills. Help was readily available when I needed it, and feedback was always given, so I had an opportunity to sharpen my skills.’ Maxine Meyer, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘The course is very informative and Rosemary is an excellent tutor. The Writers College is an excellent and affordable college for those who work full time and want to pursue practical learning in their free time.’ Erika Taylor, Grammar for Writers Course


‘Extremely helpful and has given me the confidence to strike out into the world of editing! Delivers just the right content to help us feel confident about our career choice. Feedback on exercises was simply invaluable. Loved the friendly and helpful attitude of the admin staff.’ Krittibas Dasgupta, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Auckland


‘Mandy is incredibly insightful and experienced. Her feedback always blew me away. It’s surprising how much you can learn about writing through an online course. If you apply yourself and pay attention to course feedback, you can grow a lot.’ Jessica Schoeman, Copywriting Course


‘Professional service from all involved. Materials were clear and easy to follow. Helen was fantastic, gave great guidance and was very encouraging. Feedback was clear and promptly received. Thoroughly enjoyed this course and recommend it to others. So glad I did it; keen to do another one.’ Louise Gibson, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Auckland


‘This course is one of the best educational decisions I’ve ever made. Absolutely loved it. It pushed me out of my writing comfort zone and I was challenged to think beyond “words on a page”. I’m in awe of Karen’s patience and detailed feedback. I honestly wish I’d had her as a tutor when I was in varsity. Every time I got feedback from her, I wanted to redo the assignment because of the clarity that she imparted with her gentle, but firm, guidance. She is amazing! I’m looking forward to signing up for another course in the near future.’ Zola S. Nxumalo, Scriptwriting Course


‘Di Smith was very professional and efficient in her communication and feedback. The admin staff were friendly and helpful.’ Luculle Stols, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I enjoyed having the flexibility to plan how I was going to complete the course in the time allowed. I found the course brought out creative writing abilities that I never knew I had and I enjoyed the work immensely. I found Helen’s feedback and advice invaluable. A very practical way of teaching writing skills.’ Les Maiden, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Wellington, NZ


‘I found the tutor’s feedback on the assignments the most helpful part of the course and thoroughly enjoyed doing the assignments. Di Smith was available, professional and knowledgeable. I thoroughly enjoyed the Copy-editing and Proofreading Course and the method of tutoring fitted my needs perfectly.’ Oonagh Schneeberger, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘It forces you out of your comfort zone which doesn’t just make you a better poet, it makes you a more honest person as well. Fiona Zerbst is truly great. She’s inspirational. I doubt the course would’ve been as fun without her. We all know the only way to become a better writer is to write – that’s what the Writers College does: provides you with the opportunity to write your heart out.’ Brady Heslop, An Introduction to Poetry Course


‘It helped a lot with improving my writing skills and remembering what to keep at top of mind when writing. Amazing tutor and very helpful course for my career growth.’ Sisonke, Press Release and Media Writing Course


‘My experience was great. An excellent college that allows people to access further education in a user-friendly way.’ Holly Gardiner, Business Writing Toolkit Course, Christchurch


‘Well worth the money. Rosemary was approachable and knowledgeable.’ Carolyn Brown, Grammar for Writers Course, Christchurch


‘The course met my personal objectives. I felt empowered and clearly understood where improvement was necessary. My tutor was exceptional. She went the extra mile to help me wherever she could and promptly answered any of my questions. It was worth the effort. I believe it helped me to grow in confidence.’ Imogen Campbell, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I would do it all over again in a flash if I could. I loved the course. It was challenging and I learnt new writing skills. Helen was super supportive and encouraging and whenever I had a mental blank she was always there to help me through those situations with constructive help. Very positive and encouraging.’ Sandra Hiakita, Writing Books for Children Part 1 Course, June 2018, New Zealand


‘I loved it. It was challenging but at no point did I feel lost or as if I didn’t have help close by. The results were very rewarding. Going through this course helped me to become much more comfortable with my writing in general. Tamara was a wonderful tutor. She was very knowledgeable, approachable and friendly. Her suggestions and feedback were extremely helpful; she was able to point out problem spots in a constructive manner that didn’t knock my confidence. My experience was challenging, a little scary and oh so very rewarding. This course has helped me trust my ‘writer’s instincts’ and that is a gift that keeps on giving!’ Refiloe Metsing, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course


‘Very positive experience. Helen is excellent! This was a bucket list goal for me and I’m very excited to have achieved it. There was good support and layout to this course. Overall great experience.’ Lucy Hodgson, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Di was excellent in every regard. I don’t know if I would have persevered if it wasn’t for her positive feedback and motivational comments. Excellent value for money with proper course material and qualified, positive tutors.’ Petra Jerling, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘Very informative and well-written study material. Very professional tutor.’ Craig Alan Abrahams, Write Better Newsletters Course


‘Every minute of this course was fun and enlightening. Based on the great course content and tutoring, I have been able to start my own blog with much success and confidence. My tutor was excellent. She was extremely competent and I learnt so much from her assessments and guidance. She was always so optimistic and encouraging. The Writers College is outstanding in its professionalism, course content and tutor quality. Every aspect of the course from the initial registration to the end is commendable.’ Colleen Page, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course


‘The Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course pushed my writing to its limits and me beyond my comfort zone – I feel I’ve grown so much as a writer as well as a person because of it. I cannot say enough positive things about Alex. Her insight was deep; I felt all my attempts at motifs, themes and symbolism were fully understood by her. There was an elegant, delicate honesty about Alex’s feedback – it was very genuine and constructive as well as encouraging. She held me to higher standards and also fostered my every attempt to meet the mark. The Writers College is a hidden gem among online writing programs. It has the high, rich quality of an Oxford Continuing Education writing course for an incredibly affordable cost. I cannot recommend it enough in all my writing circles.’ Irina Novac, Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course, London, UK


‘I got a lot more out of the course than I was expecting and it was a huge boost to my confidence. I thought Nichola was brilliant. She provided incredibly useful feedback which was very specific to what I had written, i.e., I felt that she had taken the time to read and digest what I had written before commenting on it. She also challenged me on my submittals, encouraging me to rewrite and improve. Also, she provided helpful reminders which stopped me from letting the studying slide. Her overall feedback and kind words have been a huge confidence boost to my writing. A very worthwhile experience that I have benefited from immensely. Very relevant and a must for anyone hoping to break into the industry.’ Ian Middleton, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course, New Zealand


‘The course provided me with answers to questions I have had for a very long time. It opened my eyes to the reality of being a writer and, if anything, has made me fall in love with stories even more. I was highly satisfied with Andrew’s guidance, compassion and understanding that a writer is an individual. He in no way forced me to write in any way that was not genuine to me and my style – which I appreciated. The Writers College helped me to grow in what I love to do rather than change it into something less enjoyable.’ Sarah Verna, Write a Novel Course


‘The course is a good summary of a wide range of copy-editing scenarios, so it offers good exposure to all situations. I found the course content educational and learnt most from the feedback. Di was very professional, courteous, encouraging and patient. The experience was positive and professional, and personnel were friendly and patient. The course was more challenging than I expected it to be and of a high standard.’ Tanya Moller, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I thoroughly enjoyed studying with the Writers College. I didn’t feel under pressure like you do at University and the course allowed me to manage my time in a relaxed manner. My tutor, Susan, and Koos, in admin, were very helpful. Susan was very good with feedback, which was given in a clear and concise manner. She taught me so much, without making me feel like an old idiot. They say you can’t teach old dogs new tricks; studying with the Writers College proves that you can. I’ve learnt more in six months than I did in 15 years at school! I am now searching for another course to do with the Writers College.’ Kim Western-Williams, Writing Coach Course


‘Really great! Brilliant! Fiona really went the extra mile in giving me advice and encouraging me while being realistic and giving me the facts. The Writers College and my tutor, Fiona Ingram, helped break down what seemed like an impossible task into small, achievable goals. I have absolutely no regrets and feel far more competent and confident having completed the course!’ Gratia-Mari Joubert, Write a Novel Course


‘This course has been interesting and worthwhile to increase my knowledge, understanding and skill. It’s been convenient and has flexibility in the mode of learning. Rosemary was always prompt in responding to my emails and had an excellent turnaround marking time. She was encouraging about my efforts and sought to build a good online tutor/student relationship. Overall, I was pleased I chose to do the course with the Writers College.’ Ann Moore, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Auckland


‘This course has been a very enlightening experience. It was both challenging and enjoyable. Di is very kind, supportive and extremely skilled at what she does. She’s a fantastic mentor. I had a great experience. I was pleasantly challenged and gained a lot of insight.’ Jean-Mari de Swardt, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘The course helped me to get back in touch with the basics of grammar. I also learnt a lot that I don’t remember being taught at high school. A good opportunity to recharge a 40-year-old brain about to embark on part two of adult life. Rosemary was very encouraging throughout and I was very impressed with how much effort she put into the feedback. She seemed to understand exactly what I needed from the course and has inspired me to continue writing. I also appreciated her sense of humour. A positive experience overall. I would recommend the college and am considering doing another course myself.’ Jaki Ross-Watt, Grammar for Writers Course


‘A challenging and enjoyable experience with the patient guidance and inspiring feedback of Helen. I learnt valuable skills. I reached one goal and am on to the next. All staff at the Writers College are highly professional.’ Theresa Becht, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Mittenwalde, Germany


‘The course is well planned and suitable for individuals pursuing a new skill. Pausing the course in between is also fantastic for busy individuals without incurring any further costs. Hayley is very informative and a patient individual – I enjoyed working with her.’ Pam Komani, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course


‘Great course for people who want to get into the field, or those who already are but could use a little structure. Paul was excellent: patient in answering questions, great at explaining things and very responsive.’ Rosemary Lokhorst, Writing for Video Games Course


‘Very insightful and the response time was really quick. Di was very helpful and encouraging. She would respond promptly and was very positive. She was efficient and encouraging.’ Bongiwe Gumede, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with this course! The modules were comprehensive and well written, and I enjoyed the assignments and found them to be challenging, which is great! I feel like I have really learned a lot and am now confident in my ability to do work in this field. I am particularly grateful for the amount of detail in my tutor’s feedback and I appreciate the time it must have taken her to give feedback of the quality I received. Di has been a wonderful tutor who has been generous in sharing her expertise. This has been a very positive experience and I have learned an enormous amount. The tutor support has been particularly impressive.’ Pamela Vale, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I came into the course loving the idea of being a writer but never really thought I had the capability. I have come out amped and willing to keep on learning about the art of writing. Helen was so accurate with her motivation. She is a very gifted teacher. I enjoyed her feedback and would love to work with her again. The Writers College is the place to go for any writer wanting to learn more. I highly recommend the course.’ Suzanne, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘This was an experience of a lifetime. I’ve learned so much and became confident in writing my own stories. Alex is amazing. She showed me what to do and pushed me beyond my limits! I’ve learned so much from her and became a better designer of my own story. She is one of the best tutors I’ve ever had. I’ve become a confident writer and editor.’ Anne, Write a Novel Course


‘The course was positive, encouraging and motivating. Alex was very encouraging and her feedback was always constructive. I was encouraged to start writing a novel and I completed a draft manuscript. Wow!’ Andrea Frieslaar, Write a Novel Course


‘A challenging course that forced me to pay attention to detail in ways I never thought I was capable. A very insightful experience. Di was a very helpful tutor and responded promptly to all emails. She was very helpful in providing extra material from which I was able to improve and refine the skills I had been learning throughout the course.’ Moroesi Ntsikeng, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘One of the best courses I have done – didn’t feel like work. I enjoyed it a lot. Valuable feedback and very reliable.’ Linet van Niekerk, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course


I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Content was precise and interesting. My tutor was friendly and helpful and available at any time.’ Lynne Skinner, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I learnt a great deal during the course. It was very comprehensive and the content was logically delivered. Although I haven’t yet tested the applicability of the content to the industry, I feel confident that I am adequately equipped to explore the next steps to finding work in this field. Di was totally professional; I received comprehensive and very helpful feedback on all submitted assignments and any additional queries I had.’ Nicola Wilton, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Hamburg, Germany


‘The course was well organised, and the notes were very detailed. Working with Lorraine was wonderful and her feedback was invaluable.’ Taryn Paterson, Writing SEO Copy for Websites Course


‘Challenging but really worthwhile. I learnt a lot and fine-tuned some other skills. Susan was prompt, friendly and supportive. Her feedback was easy to understand and useful. An enjoyable and informative experience.’ Caroline Waugh, Business Writing Toolkit Course


‘I found the course really helpful because it focused on the skills aspect of writing web content as well as the business side of the industry. Lorraine was very nice! She gave constructive feedback that ensured I was on the right track. I’m also very thankful for her because she gave me motivational advice. My experience at the Writers College was very productive and insightful. While the journey wasn’t easy, because I really had to tap into my abilities to ensure I produced good output, the critiques I got were worth it and they really helped me become a better writer.’ Ma. Josephine Unas, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course


‘The course was challenging. I enjoyed pushing myself on a daily basis to achieve the high standard that Ginny set. My confidence has improved under her encouragement. Her firm, professional teaching manner tempered with her warmth and humour made learning a pleasure. At all times, my expectations were exceeded. This is an excellent way to study in the convenience of my own home with a professional personal tutor.’ Kerry Montgomery, Short Story Writing for Magazines Course, Wellington


‘This course has increased my confidence as a creative writer and has given me new practical skills that I can use in my future writing career. It was very easy to fit around the rest of my life, and I was grateful for the flexibility with deadlines when I became ill. Helen provides clear, compassionate and inspiring feedback. She encouraged me not to give up when the going got tough and I will always be grateful for that.’ Marisa King, Advanced Creative Writing Course, Wellington, New Zealand


‘Loved it! The course covered a wide aspect of requirements needed in writing short stories. Overall, I found it informative and had fun doing it, which was important to me.’ Barbara Griffith, Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course


‘After going through the course, I would definitely say that it is worth the cost and that it was one of the best decisions I made for my writing goals. It was challenging but also very enjoyable. It helped me to pick up on the things I struggled with and the things I did well on. Helen was amazing. Her feedback really kept me motivated to keep writing, and her advice was clear and helpful. From the moment I contacted NZWC, I felt as though I was in safe hands.’ Cassidy George, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Auckland


‘This course has improved my skills and was a very worthwhile experience. I found the instructions clear and manageable and the time frames were very realistic. Di’s feedback was always very clear and very supportive. The Writers College is professional and supportive. I have no doubt that any writing needs can easily be attended to through one or more of the courses offered.’ Alexis Grewan, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘Lots of great information in a thoughtfully progressive layout. Having a published tutor for feedback is worth every penny. NZ Writers College has great materials that are easy to understand, provide excellent tutors to guide you through your writing journey and are easy to get in touch with and quick to help.’ Rachel Harrison, Write a Novel Course, Hamilton


‘My tutor is the best tutor I ever come across. She is so patient and understanding and has the ability to motivate me to work hard. It is a wonderful family to be part of.’ Pitso Rathaba, Grammar Skills Course


‘It has been a wonderful journey with Fiona; she has been a strict and powerful tutor who found the time to inspire me. I have done better with my writing and have managed to carry on at the thought of knowing she was always there to help me and get me back on the right path. My experience at the Writers College was very invigorating and eye opening.’ Carla Snyman, Write a Novel Course


‘A great experience! The course was enjoyable and challenging. My tutor was easy and personable to work with from whom I learned genuine skills.’ Nicole MacDonald, Grammar for Writers Course, Wellington


‘I feel as though I learnt things that I will apply every day if entering the world of travel writing. I will definitely be saving all of the course notes for my future reference. Don was incredibly helpful and so willing to spend time explaining concepts that I was uncertain about.’ Serah Barry, Travel Writing Course


‘A valuable and positive experience. The course was clearly structured and well thought out. It was a pleasure to have Di as my tutor. She responded promptly, was always open to queries and her comments were positive and motivational.’ Lizelle Botha, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I hadn’t studied for quite some time and wasn’t sure what to expect with this course, but, in the end, I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge it offered. Rosemary was an absolute delight to deal with. She was friendly, approachable and quick to respond to queries. She was knowledgeable and her feedback on the assignments were clear, concise and constructive. I was looking for a learning experience that would give me more confidence to move into this industry – NZ Writers College gave that to me.’ Elizabeth Dempsey, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course, Whanganui


‘I love that so many opportunities are given to apply and practise the skills learnt, and the thorough feedback gives much opportunity to learn from mistakes made. The skills gained in this course are invaluable. Di was an incredible tutor. She tutors with the world’s amount of patience, encouragement and grace.’ Kirsten Victor, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I can say that this experience was educational and inspiring, and makes me want to write for the rest of my life. The course was both challenging and rewarding. It strengthened my passion for writing. Tamara was patient and honest, making it really easy for me to approach her with queries.’ Symone Grobbelaar, Freelance Journalism for Magazines and Webzines Course


‘This course exceeded my expectations. I have grown incredibly as a writer and storyteller, and this course increased my already burning passion for the craft. Karen was amazing and would always inspire and motivate me – something I’ll never forget.’ Kgalaletso Mataboge, Scriptwriting Course


‘Loved it! My tutor was approachable, encouraging, lovely to work with and quick to respond to emails.’ Gerda Bonny, An Introduction to Poetry Course


‘Fun, interactive course. Content is valuable and rich. With online courses, it makes such a difference to have a tutor that is continually available.’ Kristel Crevits, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course


‘Gosh! It was incredible! Taught me such valuable insights into advertising. Highly recommended. It started me on a great path into the wonderful world of writing. Mandy is just one of a kind. She’s also kind. And kind of awesome in every way. Truly wonderful.’ Gidon Orelowitz, Copywriting Course


‘It’s been a well-paced and stress-free course. The notes have been simple and very useful to help grasp the various aspects of creative writing. It is a good feeling trusting an online college I did not know anything about.’ Paola Pontiggia, Advanced Creative Writing Course


‘My overall impression of the Writers College, and specifically this course and tutor, is one of professionalism and efficiency. I will definitely consider signing up for another course and will recommend this college to friends and family.’ Anette Serfontein, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I really had to think on my feet, so to speak, and fight through numerous bouts of writer’s block. Andrew was just as helpful, if not more so than the last course we did together. His help was truly invaluable to me. So far, every course I’ve gone through has been an absolute breeze. The tutors are always there to help and the coursework is the clearest I’ve seen since I was in high school.’ Gregory Seebregts, Advanced Novel Writing Course


‘I loved the course! It was simple enough for beginners, such as myself, to understand and follow but also challenging and stimulating. Fiona was an absolute joy to work with. I have enjoyed exploring the world of poetry, and the Writers College afforded me that opportunity in ways that went far beyond my expectations.’ Ashleigh James, An Introduction to Poetry Course


‘The course covered everything I was looking for and taught me more about grammar than I had anticipated. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Rosemary was a wonderful tutor. She was always encouraging and she always provided constructive feedback. I am eager to start another course in the new year!’ Chelsea Wood, Grammar for Writers Course


‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course and hope to put my newfound skills to use in the marketplace! Di was very professional with her feedback and advice, which helped me to not feel useless when I’d gotten a few points wrong. She also encouraged me when I was tardy with the return of an assignment. Thanks to her, I managed to complete the course on time!’ Theresa Jacobs, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘When I started this course, I was not sure how much effort I had to put in. But like a toddler, I was prepared to put one small step forward and fall, then rise and attempt another stride, this time with caution. Indeed, Fiona guided me to make a giant step and gain confidence that steadily propels me towards my dream of having my poems published. The Writers College is a world-class college offering unbeatable online courses!’ Motlalentoa Letsosa, An Introduction to Poetry Course


‘One of the things that drew me to the Writers College was the one-on-one writer/tutor experience. Overall, it was a positive and stimulating experience.’ Nicola Hayward, Literary Short and Flash Fiction Course


‘The course challenged me thoroughly. Di Smith was an exceptional tutor. She contacted me once just to check if everything was fine when I took a little longer than usual to submit the assignments. This speaks to the level of commitment she has to ensure that her students achieve their goals. It was an excellent experience and I have already referred other people to register for courses.’ Marina Ferreira, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I found the course fun and challenging at the same time. Some activities pushed me out of my normal writing comfort zone and helped me improve the way I write. Help was always available when needed. I wish other colleges and universities were as attentive as the Writers College.’ Jodie, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I am very happy that I did this course. I found the content very interesting and enjoyed working through the content at my own pace, learning new things in each module. Di was absolutely lovely to work with. She was always willing to help me whether it was a query on the content or even giving me advice on how to fix a problem with my computer that was preventing me from completing one of the exercises.’ Kendra Connock, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I found the course intense but enlightening. Intense in the sense that I really had to apply my mind. I’ve learned that it required not just creative writing but technical writing too. Teaching my brain the balance between right and left brain writing was quite something, but the overall product was always great. Lorraine is a wonderful tutor. She is firm, helpful and clearly very knowledgeable. I love studying through the college; it’s always educational and pleasant.’ Noreen Arangies, Writing SEO Copy for Websites Course, Windhoek, Namibia


The course content was excellent and having a tutor giving me feedback and guidance was incredibly helpful. Helen has been really great and her straightforward comments and feedback have enabled me to achieve far more than I thought possible. This course has exceeded my expectations. It has changed me from having little confidence in my ability and made me realise that with hard work and Helen’s help I should be able to complete my book.’ Vicki Marsh, Write a Children’s Book Course Part 1, Milton Keynes


‘The final report at the end of the course helped boost my confidence from “I think I would like to write” to “I am going to make this my career”. Without Helen’s help and brilliance, I do not think I would have continued. Highly recommended to all aspiring writers.’ Harry Chilcott, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Bristol


‘The course was perfect for me. I was given the challenge I needed and the platform to get me into writing. I’d highly recommend the Writers College’s courses.’ Pauline Stratford, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course, Taupo, New Zealand


‘I enjoyed the course and feel that I learnt great skills about web writing as a whole. Fiona was prompt at responding to emails and was good at giving me a nudge along when I needed it. The skills I learnt are easily transferrable to the writing I do every day for my personal blog.’ Maddy Paget, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course, Auckland


‘I really enjoyed this course and feel much more confident about tackling proofreading and copy-editing assignments. In particular, I feel better equipped to give feedback to authors and explain why changes are required or suggested. I have no hesitation in recommending the Writers College to anyone wishing to undertake an online writing-related course.’ Gail McMillan, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘I have learnt an enormous amount and achieved something that I would never have been able to achieve alone. The improvement in the quality of my writing from the first module to the last is palpable. I am far better equipped to continue writing my novel, thanks to the course. Alex is an incredible tutor. Her feedback is constructive, thorough and fair.’ Sabrina Fernandez-Vachet, Write a Novel Course


‘Overall, this was a great course. The course material was good. The assignments were challenging. My tutor was absolutely amazing.’ Cherise Lottering, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘Not only did I really enjoy the course and was encouraged by the feedback, but I really feel like I can write so much better now. Each time I got feedback it was a brick to build something greater with. Should’ve done this a long time ago! I’m spreading the word to friends to sign up.’ Lee CrawCour, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I found this course exciting with a natural flow that made me always feel comfortable with what I had to do, even though I was always nervous as hell. Helen is amazing; it is her calling to nurture and guide people who want to write professionally.’ Stephen Carlton, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘It has been a great experience; it gave me the confidence to allow someone to critique my work and gave me so many useful skills. I loved the feedback from Helen.’ Tracy Read, Write a Children’s Book Part 1 Course, Palmerston North, New Zealand


‘Russel is an excellent tutor – easily available and a quick responder. A fun, effective, and no-pressure way to study.’ Lesley Sefton, Self-publish Your e-Book Course, Derbyshire


‘It was a very positive experience that has built up my confidence and desire to continue with my writing.’ Jennifer Collins, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Turangi


‘After writer’s block for nearly a decade, this course really helped kick me back into the habit and addiction of writing again. When I struggled with a unit and felt like I was smacking my face against a wall, my tutor was able to offer encouragement and advice that would get things moving again. His guidance was always helpful and constructive and really did help me find confidence with the craft again. This was the best thing that I have ever done for myself; I have rediscovered a part of myself that was a childhood dream. I feel that my experience with NZ Writers College has armed me with enough confidence in myself and my ability to take my writing as far as I want to.’ Stephanie, Advanced Novel Writing Course


‘This course was everything I had hoped it would be. The variety of content in the editing exercises provided me with an excellent overview of the plethora of material that an editor or proofreader might need to cover in their job. The challenging nature of the course was extremely rewarding in the end!’ Rhea Fohs, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘An awesome, worthwhile experience. I knew I was going to have a mountain to climb to learn about writing a novel, but the information and feedback gave me the tools to start the adventure. The feedback I received was more than I knew what to do with, and, once I stopped repeating the same rookie mistakes, it was all profoundly helpful. I found myself challenged and inspired and wanting to write more. This has definitely been a journey of discovery for myself as much as for my writing. I would encourage anyone who has a love for writing and the English language to undertake the same journey.’ Victor Brown, Write a Novel Course, Oumaru


‘I found this course to be very productive. Helen was a great tutor with clear explanations and feedback. My experience with NZ Writers College was, overall, very productive and confidence building. I believe it taught me many valuable skills to help me progress with my writing.’ Paris Bly, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘Easy-to-follow, comprehensive course. Informative and well-executed course that is easy to fit into a busy schedule. Lorraine was simply brilliant! I really enjoyed receiving her feedback and can already see the improvements in my work as a result of this course.’ Sarah McCay Tams, Writing SEO Copy for Websites Course, Burton-on-Trent


‘The course is set out clearly and logically, and has all the information necessary. A very well-thought-out course with a knowledgeable tutor who was able to balance constructive criticism with positive encouragement. Helen has been very supportive throughout. I’ve really enjoyed learning from her and getting her professional perspective on my writing, both where I’m going wrong and where I’m going right.’ Crystal King, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Pukerua Bay


‘I found the course a great help and, I think it’s not an overstatement to say, it has been instrumental in changing my business. Had I not had this course to push me to getting this book written, it is highly likely that the book would have disappeared under the weight of other tasks. Rosemary has been immensely helpful and supportive. I now feel that I have the necessary knowledge to develop and pitch other book ideas in future. The two courses I have now done with the Writers College have provided me with the support I needed to successfully transition from academia to freelance writing.’ Alex Owen-Hill, Write a Non-Fiction Book Course, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


‘The course was well structured and informative. Helen offered constructive feedback. Her comments were encouraging and complimentary, and all her advice helped improve my writing. She left me feeling inspired! A super course, well priced and meaningful.’ Nikki Pfab, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I thoroughly enjoyed it. The theory was well presented and the course builds a strong foundation for better writing. Alex has been a great tutor. It has been an awesome learning experience. The rest is now up to me.’ Cecil, Grammar Skills Course


‘The course was informative and an interesting look into creative writing. I was motivated and encouraged by Miss Helen. Her pleasantness and approachability enabled better performance. The college opened new doors for me as a future writer. The online availability was convenient and affordable.’ Husna Ayub, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Jeddah


‘It was my best investment ever. I loved the way the course was structured and I enjoyed every single minute I spent doing the exercises. Helen was absolutely amazing with her positivity and gentle guidance. I didn’t once feel dispirited. I am absolutely satisfied at the realistic goals that the Writers College sets for students.’ Rashida, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Newcastle


‘The course slowly built up to the ultimate goal of writing an article worthy of printing. I appreciated the ability to put the course on hold when the opportunity to travel arose. Don is clearly an expert in his field with an ability to motivate fledgling and aspirant writers without intimidation. Fun, enjoyable without being overwhelming. A chance to learn a new skill without putting your life on hold.’ Viv Marais, Travel Writing Course


‘Truly, it was an excellent experience: very professional and informative. The material was up to date and sufficient to launch a dedicated student’s web-writing and blogging career – not only in terms of content but also in terms of technicalities of producing a professional article. Fiona was an excellent tutor and I’m grateful for her consistent, detailed feedback and tips. Despite the online nature of the course, I felt the warmth and motivation coming through from her and, although I was at times too stressed or distracted to respond promptly, I took everything to heart and will keep checking her comments whenever I write an article. I am a very satisfied client.’ Lerato Motsoaledi, Writing Articles for Websites and Blogs Course


‘A great and very informative experience that I’m sure will help me greatly with future endeavours. I received very clear feedback and am very happy with the experience I had with my tutor. I enjoyed the experience immensely and found my course incredibly helpful. Thank you.’ Zoe Tait, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I found the course very satisfying and informative. Helen was helpful and very instructive. The course was very helpful, and I was encouraged and urged to write.’ Bianca Botha, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘This was, honestly, such a wonderful experience, from start to finish, without a single hiccup. I haven’t experienced such good service in a very long time. I have learned so much and the feedback was extremely helpful. All in all, everything was truly fantastic. Helen is such a great tutor. She explained everything very clearly which helped me to finish the course with a very good mark. She also doesn’t skimp on praise, which is really good for confidence boosting. It was the best learning experience any aspiring writer could wish for.’ Estelle Thurtle, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I have had a wonderful first-course experience which has motivated me to keep honing the craft as thoroughly as possible. I can already see my writing and editing capabilities improving, and have enjoyed the personalised touch having a tutor working on my strengths and weaknesses. I also enjoyed being able to work at my own speed, as I’m a fast worker who often gets frustrated if I have to work slower than feels natural. I felt very comfortable with my tutor; she was honest and helpful about the things I wouldn’t have noticed myself. Even in criticism, Helen made me feel secure in working through errors as I could see her knowledge in play throughout. I’ve taken her attitude about editing on board and it has stayed with me even in my personal work. As a professional and welcoming college, I have been given access to knowledge and expertise that I wouldn’t have found any other way. It has been extremely enjoyable thus far.’ Chantel van Wyk, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I learnt so much from my course and Ginny was so helpful, insightful and supportive! Amazing! I have been lucky to learn from her. Great experience.’ Eva Tadevosyan, Short Story Writing for Magazines Course


‘The course was excellent and very informative. Di Smith is an excellent tutor. She is always encouraging and always positive especially when the marks do not look so great. I am really satisfied with the course I did with the Writers College; definitely worth one’s time and money.’ Madeleen Struwig, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘Whole course was clear, well thought out and easy to follow. Tutor very accessible and easy to talk to. She always replied to queries and marked extremely quickly. Great experience.’ Emma, Grammar for Writers Course, Kent


‘I thoroughly enjoyed the exercises and the feedback, and feel that I have picked up some really good structure to apply to my writing in the future. I was really lucky to have Helen Brain as my tutor. Because she has published over fifty books herself and is an acclaimed author of a mainstream South African publishing house, I had confidence that her feedback was on point, practical and always in my best interests as an aspiring writer. I found her to be encouraging and understanding, and any changes she suggested always made my writing better. I feel I gathered some very important basic tools to further my craft.’ Louise de Wet, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘The course provides a great introduction for the writing newbie. It avoids over-complication by providing a good general guide to key aspects as opposed to a random load of disorganised detail. Helen was great. I found her comments incisive and highly instructive. Experience shows and was clearly evident in her communication of things I needed to work on and improve at. More importantly, she pointed these things out in a way I could quickly and easily grasp. I definitely got what I wanted. The course was exactly what it said it was and achieved its purpose.’ Laughton Appollis, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I thoroughly enjoyed taking the course. It has helped me enormously from where I started out as being not very good to where I am now at the end of the course. I enjoyed the feedback from Helen and she showed me where I was going wrong. The course met my objectives in that I now feel ready to move on to either the Write a Novel, Write a Children’s Book or Short Story Writing for Magazines Course. The Writers College meets my needs as I like distance learning and prefer to work at home or on my own.’ Antony Tilt, Basics of Creative Writing Course, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom


‘It was a great learning experience that equipped me with tools necessary for my growth. Karen was a great tutor and all her feedback was helpful towards my growth as a writer. She was also understanding, which I appreciated. A great online college equipping students with tools to be the best at what they do.’ Portia Mothupi, Scriptwriting Course


‘I learnt a great deal about the techniques of writing. It was an excellent experience with very useful advice. It was a fulfilling experience.’ Rebecca Oloo, Basics of Creative Writing Course


‘I enjoyed the course. It was challenging in parts and required considerable thought and time to work through the various assignments. It was a pleasure to have Di as a tutor. She was very encouraging and always positive and helpful.’ Cecil Seethal, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


‘It was a challenging course but I learnt a lot and enjoyed the content. I loved and appreciated the fact that I could work at my own pace and that the next module was shared just as one was submitted. Di was very encouraging which helped me get through the late nights of studying, and having a demanding job and toddler. She kept me encouraged and gave me the strength to continue. She was prompt in her turnaround time for marking modules and was also helpful with answering my questions. Thank you, Di, for sharing the start of this new journey with me. It was great to have the opportunity to learn on my own terms but still get quality content and tutoring calibre of a university. Because of the way the courses are structured, the Writers College is an excellent platform for part-time students who have demanding careers but want to branch out into new ventures.’ Raysha Riona Letchman, Copy-editing and Proofreading Course


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