The Write a Romance Novel Course

Price: NZ$ 1 595.00

Write a
Romance Novel


Write a Romance Novel Course

Realise Your Dream of Writing a Romance Novel

Fast-track your progress with one-to-one mentoring by a multi-award winning author, Tania Hutley.

Have you ever dreamed of writing romantic fiction? Our Write a Romance Novel Course can turn that dream into a reality. Covering everything from Historical and Fantasy Romance to Paranormal, Erotic, Romantic Suspense, Rom-Com, and LGBTQ+ Romance – plus many more subgenres!

Romance is the biggest-selling book genre, second only to General Fiction. Romance book sales exceed $1 billion every year, selling more than many other genres combined.

It’s an exciting time to be a romance writer!

The Write a Romance Novel Writing Course Gives You...

Expert, Individual Feedback

Get prompt, honest, detailed feedback on every assignment from an award-winning writer. We focus on your unique writing strengths.

No Peer Reviews!

You will only be assessed by your tutor, a leader in their field. No more guessing and wondering how to write; you'll be guided line by line.

No Automated Marking

We use traditional methods of assessing work, as editors at publishing houses would. No generic feedback!

A Flexible Schedule

Work wherever and whenever you want. You can easily fit our courses around work and other commitments.

Relevant, Usable Content

Easy-to-digest course notes that capture a lifetime of writing experience, ready for you to apply to your own writing.

Ongoing Assessment

Your writing is assessed continuously as your course progresses.

Start Writing Your
Romance Novel Today

Overcome self-doubt, procrastination and writer's block on a well-structured course.

With the help of your experienced tutor, turn your unique ideas into a manuscript.

The initial modules focus on teaching you the nuts and bolts of good romance writing. We then move to intensive writing, in-depth tutor support and text critiques. After each module is completed, your tutor will offer you feedback on your progress.

Each module outlines the elements of creative writing, such as realistic dialogue, memorable characters, a compelling plot and sustained tension. You will build on the basics of the craft as you write your novel.

At the end of the 12 modules, you will have gained confidence in your ability to express yourself in words, and produced a start to a manuscript (20,000 words).

The Write a Romance Novel Course is designed for you to create a preliminary text of 20,000 to 25,000 words. This in itself is quite an achievement for writers who thought it impossible to move beyond the first page. With this springboard in place, you can then choose to continue to the Advanced Write a Romance Novel Course, which is aimed at completing your manuscript up to 65 000 words.

Start Writing Your
Romance Novel Today

Overcome self-doubt, procrastination and writer's block on a well-structured course.

With the help of your experienced tutor, turn your unique ideas into a manuscript.

The initial modules focus on teaching you the nuts and bolts of good romance writing. We then move to intensive writing, in-depth tutor support and text critiques. After each module is completed, your tutor will offer you feedback on your progress.

Each module outlines the elements of creative writing, such as realistic dialogue, memorable characters, a compelling plot and sustained tension. You will build on the basics of the craft as you write your novel.

At the end of the 12 modules, you will have gained confidence in your ability to express yourself in words, and produced a start to a manuscript (20,000 words).

The Write a Romance Novel Course is designed for you to create a preliminary text of 20,000 to 25,000 words. This in itself is quite an achievement for writers who thought it impossible to move beyond the first page. With this springboard in place, you can then choose to continue to the Advanced Write a Romance Novel Course, which is aimed at completing your manuscript up to 65 000 words.

'My tutor was great; she always made great points about my work, constructive criticism, praise where it was due, and always pointed me in the right direction, which helped immensely. Keep doing what you’re doing, because it’s great.’

Clemma Waddel, Write a Novel Course

Course Overview

Start your course at any time – applications open all year round.


Price includes GST



The assignments vary in length.



These modules include around 200 pages of course notes.



Work at your own pace – up to a maximum of 24 months.


Working with an individual tutor means you can start the course at any time.


Must be over 25 years.
Basic writing skills are essential.
Computer skills, e-mail and Internet access required.
No previous tertiary qualification required.

Our Graduate Students' Successes

We are proud of our graduates who have achieved success. Here are a few among dozens of our creative writing success stories.

Tutors for this Course

Tania Hutley

Tania Hutley began by writing literary short stories and has been a runner up in New Zealand’s two most prestigious short story competitions, the Katherine Mansfield Awards and the Sunday Star Times Short Story Competition. In 2010 she won the Page and Blackmore National Short Story Award.

Under the pen name Talia Hunter, she has also published eleven contemporary romance and romantic comedy novels and even made the USA Today Bestsellers List.

Tania also published two middle-grade chapter books for children. Then she wrote the Skin Hunter science fiction trilogy, and co-wrote The Trouble with Witches urban fantasy series.

Though Tania started off with traditional publishers, she’s now enthusiastic about self-publishing and the control it gives to authors.

She was born in New Zealand, but has recently moved to Australia where she’s constantly amazed and not at all freaked out by the weird and wonderful critters. When she’s not writing, you can usually find her with a glass of wine, a good book, and a jumbo-sized can of bug spray.

Fiona Ingram

A graduate of the University of Natal, Wits, and international study abroad, Fiona Ingram started her writing career in magazine publishing and journalism. A holiday to Egypt with family sparked the beginning of her multi award-winning Middle Grade adventure series, The Chronicles of the Stone, which delights adventurers and explorers of all ages. These titles include The Secret of the Sacred ScarabThe Search for the Stone of Excalibur, and The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper, with new titles in the works. Book awards include the Nautilus, Moonbeam, Rubery, Children’s Literary Classics, Wise Bear, Readers’ Favorite, and New York Big City Book Awards, among others.

A chance remark by her mom set her off in a new direction, writing historical romance. Fiona writes Regency romances under the pen name Arabella Sheraton and says going back into history is both entertaining and educational. Fiona has written seven Regency novels and a Jane Austen-inspired relationship self-help book, The Secret of Love. Regency titles include The Reluctant BridegroomThe Dangerous Duke, Married at Midnight, Lord Blackwood’s Valentine Ball, The Lady’s Revenge, The Wayward Miss Wainwright, and Miss Dashwood’s Dilemma.

Fiona relocated to Cyprus several years ago and lives in a small farming village where the peace and quiet are perfect for creative writing.

Course Curriculum

Module 1

Your Romance Novel: An Introduction

  • Common questions answered
  • Overcoming writer’s block
  • What is a romance novel?
  • Romance genres and sub-genres
  • Exercise: Explore your expectations, write a rough idea and complete a warm-up writing exercise.



Module 2

The Basics of Creative Writing

  • Romance tropes
  • Goals and conflicts
  • Steps to build your idea
  • Starting your story
  • Exercise: Flesh out your idea and hand in a text instalment


Module 3


  • The importance of characters
  • Creating vivid and believable major and minor characters
  • Understanding Point of View
  • Writing character descriptions that shine
  • Creating likeable characters
  • Exercise: Write a character outline and a character description, and hand in a text instalment


Module 4

Dialogue Techniques

  • He said, she said: romantic dialogue tips
  • Putting dialogue on the page
  • Exercise: Record and edit a dialogue.
  • Text instalment: At least 2,500 words.


Module 5

Plotting Your Novel

  • Adding internal conflict
  • Creating backstory
  • Story structure
  • What about subplots?
  • Breaking the rules
  • Fleshing out your plot.
  • Key elements of your romance plot
  • Text instalment: At least 2,000 words.


Module 6

Putting Scenes Together

  • Romantic scenes, chapters and paragraphs
  • Backstory – avoiding the dreaded ‘infodump’
  • Flashbacks
  • Fitting your scenes together
  • More about POV
  • Exercise: Practise writing transitions.
  • Text instalment: At least 2,000 words.


Module 7

Finessing Your Work

  • Pacing
  • Description
  • Setting
  • Adding Sensory details
  • Text instalment: At least 2,000 words.


Module 8

Love and Sex

  • Does romance need sex?
  • Writing sex scenes
  • The problem with sex scenes
  • Exercise: Protagonists preferences
  • Text instalment: At least 2,500 words.


Module 9

Advanced Techniques

  • Techniques to tighten and enhance your writing
  • How to effectively use point-of-view, including deep point-of-view
  • How to use hooks
  • Exercise: Revising a scene from your novel
  • Progress of your novel: At least 2,500 words.



Module 10

Revising Your Writing

  • How do you know when your work is done?
  • Tips for polishing your romance novel.
  • Text instalment: At least 2,500 words.


Module 11

Selling Your Book

  • How to submit your work to romance publishers and agents
  • Romance publisher and agent guidelines
  • What happens if your book gets rejected?
  • What happens if your book gets accepted?
  • How to self-publish your romance
  • Progress of your novel: At least 2,500 words.


Module 12

Publishing Trends and the Writing Life

  • The lifestyle of the working romance writer
  • Opportunities and challenges in the world of romance writing
  • Progress of your novel: At least 2,500 words.
  • After Module 12, you will submit a revised text of 20,000 to 25,000 words for final marking and critique.


This course offers an advanced course option

What Our Students Say

Aileen SmithWrite a Novel Course
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It was a fantastic course: very educational and easy to comprehend. Alex was a wonderful tutor. She was very supportive and inspired me to work harder and accomplish more. Deciding to do a writing course with The Writers College was the best educational choice I ever made.
Phillip DuffWrite a Novel Course
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I enjoyed the course immensely; it was fun and easy to engage with. The modules were well-structured and helped steer me in the right direction. My tutor provided excellent feedback for all the assessments. It was always of a positive, practical nature to help correct mistakes and create a better novel. I always looked forward to reading his assessments as I found them really motivational. Without the Write a Novel Course and the feedback from my tutor, I would not have had the motivation (or indeed the technical skills) to begin writing – even though I’d wanted to write a novel for a long time. The course provided me with a formal and structured approach to writing, something that I now appreciate is essential when starting on that first novel.
Gaynor LincolnWrite a Novel Course
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The course was like a TV programme where they give participants an entire makeover, except it was my writing skills that got the makeover. The greatest learning came from Sonny’s pithy and expressive comments, which now constantly pop into my mind as I write.
Claire FronemanWrite a Novel Course
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The course was structured perfectly and covered every aspect of the literary world of novel writing. The assignments were easily understood and helpful in developing the tools needed to improve my writing abilities. I enjoyed every moment of the course and always looked forward to the next assignment. From the very first email I received from Alex, I was convinced of her brilliance. All of my assignments were graded within a week, and her following advice and guidance was helpful and encouraging. Due to her endless support, I was able to gain confidence in my writing and even managed to complete a full first draft of my novel. Alex is not only an inspiration but a wonderful mentor and someone I would consider a dear friend. Thank you, Alex, for allowing me the privilege of having shared my journey with you. It would be difficult to describe this course as an educational tool; the course was so intriguing and captivating that it felt more like a lifestyle that you aim to live every day!
Hazel CarlsteinWrite a Novel Course
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The course content is excellent as it provides very useful writing exercises but encourages you to write your novel at the same time. I like the fact that the emphasis is not on personal introspective analysis. Diane provided invaluable advice and support. I can honestly say that without the course and Diane’s incredible support and input, my manuscript would not have been written. I have enjoyed the experience and I feel that my writing has improved substantially.
Marcio GoncalvesWrite a Novel Course
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Alex Smith was an absolute joy to work with. Her feedback was both extremely encouraging and honest. Her guidance was truly amazing and essential for me to learn everything there is to know about the wonderful world of novel writing. The fact that she is a published writer is great because we as aspiring writers get the sense that she understands all our fears and thus is able to help us through it. Thanks to her, I have found the right avenue for my writing aspirations. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this course to anyone who asks.
Daubert VermeulenWrite a Novel Course
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I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your excellence. Writing a novel was one of the biggest dreams I’ve ever had and The Writer’s College made it a reality. You made me challenge myself and in turn, I found an endless pool of creativity within which I never knew existed. I would recommend your College to anyone who is serious about writing. Even to those who already completed their first manuscripts. You will be surprised what you will learn in the novel writing course. Once again, thank all of you! You guys are amazing!

Get These Additional Benefits

Lifetime Course Access

Benefit from free lifetime access to future course updates and access to our writing resources.

Join a Community of Writers

You will have access to our friendly Facebook community, daily writing tips and writing inspiration.

500+ Bonus Articles on Our Blog

A superb, constantly updated resource with articles on writing and interviews with writers.

Work at Your Own Pace

Our courses work around you. You can pace your course around your busy life.

Work Opportunities

Top students are invited to join our writers and editors for hire service.

Be the First to Know About Writing Competitions

We'll help you keep up to date with the latest competition announcements

Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We are so confident that you will love your course that if you’re not 100% satisfied with the quality of our training, simply ask for a refund within 30 days.

Complete the Application Form to Enrol on the Write a Romance Novel Course

You will receive an approval email and invoice within one working day.

Should your form not submit, please let admin know at

Questions? We've Got Answers

Detailed course notes covering the content of each module are emailed to you. 

At the end of each module, you will be required to submit an instalment of a certain word count to your tutor for feedback. You’ll be writing your novel as you go along. As the course progresses, the emphasis will shift from exercises to text critiques and support. You’ll regularly send instalments of your manuscript to your tutor for feedback. At the end of the 12 modules, you will have gained important writing skills and have a text instalment of at least 20,000 words. 

Once the writing tasks have been completed and emailed to your tutor, you will receive an assessment and feedback, and the module will be considered complete.

Absolutely. You have direct communication with your tutor for the duration of the course. The more questions you ask, the more you will get out of the course.

You will get lifetime access to the course. You will also benefit from future updates and improvements to the course.

For the majority of our courses, only your tutor will see your work. It will remain completely private unless you get it published. The journalism courses might see your work published in the public domain, but you do have the final say as to whether or not this happens.

You will receive a Writers College Certificate upon successful completion of the course, provided you meet the following conditions: 

  • You must have completed all writing tasks.
  • The course must have been completed within 24 months of registration.
  • A minimum average of 50% must be achieved.
  • Basic writing skills are essential.
  • Computer skills as well as email and Internet access are required.
  • No previous tertiary qualification is required.
  • Must be over 25 years.


Because you will work with an individual tutor, you can start your course as soon as your application has been approved. There are no specific start dates as would be the case with a traditional college.

An application is usually approved within one working day. Once we receive proof of payment, your can start your course.

You could be starting your course today!

This is hard to predict as some people are simply faster writers than others. However, for each 1,000 words of your novel, anticipate spending about an hour writing and at least the same amount of time revising. Each exercise should not take more than two hours to complete. Finally, you should expect to spend some time at the end of the course giving your manuscript a final polish. This adds up to a rough estimate of 90 hours over the course of 12 modules, or around seven to eight hours per month.

Once your application has been approved, you will receive notification of approval and an invoice via email. As soon as we receive proof of payment, the first module as well as your tutor’s email address and your login details will be sent to you. Your tutor will also be in touch to welcome you.

Any work created on our courses is owned by you. We will never make a claim to anything you produce. We follow the rule that copyright subsists with the creator (you).

‘My experience on the course encouraged me and gave me the confidence that I could write a good novel. My tutor was very professional, focused, encouraging and helpful.’

Bharat Kumar Regmi, Write a Novel Course

Got More Questions?

We would love to help you choose the best course for you. Tell us what style of writing you want to develop and we'll give you some options.