Are you dreaming of becoming a writer? In this two-part series, KATE TAYLOR discusses why knowing your reasons for writing is the best place to begin.
Starting out as a writer can be daunting. You have ideas and imaginings, but turning them into complete written pieces is an intimidating prospect.
Where do you begin? What do you do first? And once you’ve taken the initial step, what comes next?
Why do you want to be a writer?
The best place to start is with your reasons. Knowing what motivates you will help you find your direction. Begin by asking yourself why you want to be a writer.
Do you want to write because the poetry in your head keeps you awake at night? Is it because your grandmother led a life so astonishing that someone has to tell her story? Have you spent years plotting a fantasy novel that will put Game of Thrones to shame?
Perhaps the biggest question is, do you want to get paid to write?
If your motivation is to earn an income from writing, be sure to read Part Two, where this is discussed in detail. If, on the other hand, you simply want to write as a hobby, the following tips will help get you started.
Writing as a hobby
Writing is a wonderful pastime. Numerous studies, such as those by James W. Pennebaker, have found links between expressive writing and improved mental well-being and cognitive function.
To get the most out of writing as a hobby:
- Always remember that nothing you write is wrong. It’s your writing; let your words flow freely, and don’t fear anyone’s criticism. Quiet the voices telling you that you aren’t good, talented or capable enough. Writing is meant to bring joy – allow it to do so.
- Take a tutorial or writing course to improve your skills and discover new ideas and techniques. Expanding your knowledge can make your hobby more enjoyable, and there are some great courses available online to help with memoir writing, novel writing, poetry and much more.
- Join a writing community. If you live in a larger town or city, you may be able to find one that meets in person. If not, there are many online options. Chatting with like-minded people who share your love for writing is encouraging and gives you a sense of community.
What if you don’t know what to write?!
This advice is all well and good, you might be thinking, but it doesn’t actually tell me how to get the words down on the page.
So, you’ve googled writing groups, looked at courses and given yourself a pep talk, but you haven’t actually written a single word. How do you figure out what to write?
It may sound clichéd, but brainstorming is an effective idea generator. Grab a pen and paper, or open a new Word document, and just let the ideas flow. It doesn’t have to make sense – just start scribbling and see what happens. It’s highly likely that something will jump out at you, and voilà – you’ll have something to write.
If brainstorming doesn’t work for you, try writing prompts. A quick search will bring up dozens of websites offering prompts to spark your creative writing. You’ll be amazed at what flows from your fingertips when someone tells you that you’ve been transported to a magical kingdom, you’ve just won the lottery or the relative you thought dead for 20 years has just appeared on your doorstep.
And if all this fails and your page is still blank? You’re probably overthinking – worrying about getting it right or wanting perfection the first time. Remember, first drafts are just that: first drafts. They’re messy, disjointed and often a jumble of ideas loosely strung together. However, if you didn’t have something to say, you wouldn’t be reading about writing!
So, make the choice to put the worry aside. Take a deep breath, block out everything except your page and, as Anne Tyler said, ‘Write the first drafts as if no one else will ever read them.’
About the Author

Kate Taylor grew up in small-town Tasmania where she developed an avid love for reading and writing as a child. Kate published poems and short stories before moving spontaneously to New Zealand in 2007. A husband, two school-aged children, a lifestyle block in the throes of renovation and managing the local school office keep her busy when she isn’t writing.