Earning an income from freelance writing can be daunting. In part two of her series, KATE TAYLOR breaks the process into easy-to-follow steps.
Writing is a wonderful pastime. Creative, expressive, entertaining. But when the time comes to shift from writing as a hobby to writing for income, what do you do?
There are so many ‘how-to’ articles, websites and books dedicated to becoming a freelance writer. The amount of information on these topics is nothing short of overwhelming.
Rather than wading through endless pages, let’s simplify the process into a few simple steps: the when, what, who and how of becoming a paid freelance writer.
When should you start freelance writing?
The thought of surrendering a regular pay cheque to go freelancing can make your tummy feel as if you’ve just skulled a milkshake and then hopped on a roller-coaster. It’s daunting, it’s risky and if it fails, it could be messy.
Begin with the big question: can you pay your bills and eat if you quit your current job? Yes? Then go for it! No? Then come up with a plan to start writing while you are working. The stress of juggling work and writing will be far less than that of quitting your job with no guarantee of income.
Once you have some established work and are receiving regular income, you can re-evaluate and see if it’s viable to shift to full-time writing.
What do you do to start freelance writing?
Set up a business and do it properly. Freelancers need to understand tax, invoicing and basic finances, and must abide by government regulations.
Seek advice on how to set up and run a sole-trading business in the country in which you are operating. This can be intimidating, especially when all you really want to do is write, but putting basic business foundations in place will give you credibility with publishers and set you up for long-term success.
Whom do you know in the writing industry?
One of the lures of freelance writing is the freedom to work alone. No pesky colleagues stealing your pens or objectionable office parties to endure. For those of us who are introverts, the appeal of solitude and a quiet working environment is real. In order to succeed as an income-earning freelancer, however, you will need to learn to shrug off shyness and pop your head out of your hidey-hole from time to time.
People need to know that you are a writer. If you don’t tell anyone, no one will ever know and your writing will never get read. Publishers can’t publish pieces they don’t know exist. The age-old adage ‘it’s not what you know but who you know’ does hold a bit of truth. Hard work and dedication are important, but making connections will help see that hard work reap rewards.
So, as terrifying as it is, start letting people know you are a writer. You might be surprised to learn that your aunty lives next door to the editor of a magazine, your colleague’s wife has a popular blog needing content or your gym buddy’s dad needs a ghostwriter.
If the thought of self-promotion causes you heart palpitations, consider studying journalism or a short course in marketing your services. Connections with tutors and fellow students will occur naturally throughout the learning process.
How do you become a freelance writer?
Now we get to the fun stuff! What do you actually need to do on a day-to-day basis to become a freelance writer?
- Freelance writers need to write. It’s that simple. You can read all the advice there is, but you won’t ever be a writer unless you actually write. It might sound obvious, but in the wise words of Jerry B. Jenkins, ‘Dreamers talk about writing. Writers write.’ So start writing.
- Schedule your creativity. Creativity is an important factor in writing, but to become a successful freelance writer, you need regularity. Push beyond the ebb and flow of ideas and form consistent writing habits. Find the writing routine that works for you and stick to it. Put it on your calendar, black it out in your diary and when someone invites you to go for coffee during your writing time, learn to say, ‘I’m already booked.’
Developing strong writing habits will equip you with the skills and discipline needed to deliver on time when you acquire paid work.
- Don’t limit yourself. Although many people will tell you that you need a niche, being able to write for a broad range of mediums using different styles and techniques will make you more diverse. If you have areas of interest you love and are passionate about, go for it, but don’t box yourself in and risk missing out on work because it doesn’t fit your speciality.
- Be persistent. Submit your work to publishers, magazines and websites. Get your name out there. If you get rejected, take a deep breath, shake it off and try the next one.
And the final step?
- Don’t give up! Mindset is a powerful thing. Positive self-talk is not just a concept to be plastered on kitchen plaques and travel mugs. It’s there to help you shift from ‘I can’t; it’s too hard’ to ‘I can and I will.’
Starting out as a freelancer usually comes with gut-twisting nerves, self-doubt and a strong desire to hide. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. It means it matters to you. So go! Start writing and make the move from imagining to earning.
About the Author

Kate Taylor grew up in small-town Tasmania where she developed an avid love for reading and writing as a child. Kate published poems and short stories before moving spontaneously to New Zealand in 2007. A husband, two school-aged children, a lifestyle block in the throes of renovation and managing the local school office keep her busy when she isn’t writing.
READ MORE: A No-Nonsense Guide to Becoming a Writer – Part One